Is today one of ‘those’ days? Have you ever had one of ‘those’ days? Written words don’t have a tone, or attitude, yet you can pick up on the tone of what it means to have one of ‘those’ days. It’s usually the kind that of day where nothing goes according to plan and you aren’t functioning at your best.
What if that statement sparked a positive connotation for you? It’s a new perspective, a different take on words. What if you were having one of those days where you could see the possibilities in challenges and you connect with others in a way that energizes everyone involved? Try this out with your co-workers — tell them you are having one of those days where life is really, really good. (Let me know how they respond to that!)
What if you could have those days more often? You can. It’s a matter of mastering your mindset. Every day we are faced with hundreds of choices. Mastering your mindset is a choice, as is operating at the mercy of your mindset.
Choose how you will respond today to all the stuff life throws at you. Choose your mindset. Choose to have one of those amazing days where life is really, really good.