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5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

The cover of Time magazine in 1983 stated that stress was the “Epidemic of the Eighties.” I’ve got a sneaking suspicious that stress levels have gotten a little higher since then. Does life have to be chaotic? Can there be calm in the midst of a full...

Mindset #4: 100% Accountable

When we embrace this mindset, we take ownership for our decisions, our choices and ultimately, our happiness and success. It’s about being 100% accountable for our happiness and success — not 60%, not 70%, but 100%. This means we take ownership for ALL of...

Is today one of ‘those’ days?

Is today one of ‘those’ days? Have you ever had one of ‘those’ days? Written words don’t have a tone, or attitude, yet you can pick up on the tone of what it means to have one of ‘those’ days. It’s usually the kind that...