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Mind Drift

Think of the last conference you attended. Likely, there was one session that wasn’t relevant, didn’t appeal to you or the speaker was so dry you had to employ a strategy to stay awake. This happened to me recently. The presentation was not hitting the...

We are Connected

Are you intentional about strengthening the relationships in your life? Mindset #3 of The 7 Mindsets is We are Connected. Check out my blog on Life 97.9:

We made the news!

Check out the Fargo Forum article about the assertiveness and confidence session we offered recently! Thanks to Sherri Richards at The Forum for taking time to write this story. It was really a wonderful day of learning and growth for a beautiful group of women. It is...

Put Your Passion First

If you pursue your passions first and foremost, you will be happier, more successful and more excited to get up every day. Mindset #2 of The 7 Mindsets is Passion First. Read more at my blog post at Life 97.9: