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Love it or hate it, for many of us, networking comes with the territory. If you are on a mission to make a memorable first impression, then take these tips to heart when attending your next networking event:

1) It’s all about the food, so make that your main focus. Be sure to eat something messy so you end up with food droppings on that nice outfit. Ideally, something will end up stuck in your teeth.

2) If it’s not all about the food, then it’s definitely all about the drinks. Use all drink tickets in the first half hour, then beg your new friends for theirs. Always hold the cold, wet beverages in the hand you shake with. That’s sure to leave them making notes on the back of your business card.

3) Close the sale before the night ends! You are not there to build relationships, you are there to close deals. In fact, ask for their credit card when they offer you their business card.

4) Hand out brochures to everyone in a 10 foot radius. What you are really saying as you are passing out brochures to people you don’t know is “Here, will you take this and throw it away for me?”

5) Pre-record your 60-second commercial on your smart phone. It’s monotone and boring anyway, so you might as well save your breath for closing the sale.

Okay, if you follow these tips, your first impression will be memorable, but definitely not favorable! If you really want to make a favorable first impression that leads to lasting relationships, then don’t take that advice! Do the opposite and build relationships that last!

Upcoming events to help you get the networking edge:
“How to do Business After Hours” Thursday, April 18, 3:30 – 4:30 (FMWF Chamber members only)
“Networking, Relationships and Results” Tuesday, April 30 and Thursday, May 16 (check my events page!)